Visit Alice and her friends at a mad tea party sculpture created by artist Bridgette Mongeon
Growing up with Alice
This weekend I took my daughter and granddaughter to see the sculpture at Deep in The Heart Art Foundry. Many don’t know that I have spent six years of my life creating this art. The first years were spent formulating the idea and trying to sell it to my client. My granddaughter is five. Which means she grew up with the sculpture. Pouring over photographs I can see just how apparent that is.
My granddaughter has grown up with the creation of this sculpture.Issa looks for the hidden things. It is my first time seeing the interaction of a child with my art. It is just what I was after.Issa helps out in the studio as we check the height of a small stump that will sit in front of the story book dedication plaque. A mouse will sit on a leaf at the height of her hand. My smallest intern.
Tea Party with my good friend David Morris who posed for the body of the Mad HatterIssa with a 3D print of the March Hare.CNC mill of the March HareIssa at the groundbreaking of Evelyn’s Park. I could not announce the sculpture was to go there because the client had not signed the contract.
Author: Bridgette
Bridgette is a sculptor, writer and public speaker. She enjoys encouraging others in literature, business, technology and the arts.
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